Why use Microsoft SharePoint?

September 14, 2021

Written by PS

SharePoint Demo Team Site

Using SharePoint for the first time may seem not very straight forward as other tools you may have used in the past. But if you are reading this, you either have already SharePoint included as part of the Microsoft 365 Business packages or you may think to get it, and of course, use it.

In either case, once you have it, not using SharePoint, is a waste of a good office tool.

SharePoint has a multitude of benefits, probably more than can be covered in detail in one article, though you can read below some of the key benefits we have found through the use and which do not require any intensive programming and can be implemented with minimal user training.

Reason number 1: data security and regulatory compliance

If you have any concern about data security and regulatory compliance, then one of the first reasons to use SharePoint is this, as Microsoft 365 for Business provide you with the tools you need to be compliant with regulations and protect your data. But this is just one of the fundamental reasons to use SharePoint.

Reason number 2: integration with your existing apps

Another great reason to use SharePoint is the integration with your existing apps. This product will work seamlessly with your other Microsoft Office tools (Outlook, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint), MS Exchange Server,  and many other back-office systems, as well as a large number of third-party applications.

Reason number 3: document management and collaboration

The next reason and a major one,  why you would use SharePoint, is the capability of document management and collaboration. If you have many documents to manage, or you need to collaborate with other team members on creating/editing various documents, this is a tool you would not want to miss trying. SharePoint document management has capabilities of File versioning, Document check-in/check-out, Indexing and searching, Custom designated web interface and Document Seamless integration with other Windows apps.
Once you have your SharePoint site up, sharing your documents and collaborate with other people in your team it is as simple as just loading the documents on the site and start collaborating.

Microsoft SharePoint is a great tool for increasing efficiency/productivity by helping you streamline your processes, offering better visual communication, enhanced document management, easier and faster file accessibility, contributes to tasks management and may improve overall communication.

Reason number 4: Speeding up and streamlining business processes

Speeding up and streamlining business processes is the next big reason to use SharePoint. Using document libraries, lists, and other SharePoint features, you can move your process from paper to paperless, and/or you can redefine your processes by streamlining them and speeding them up. Just having the documents available at the user’s fingertips, easy to find and view may improve your business efficiency.

Reason number 5: Communication capabilities

If you have most or all your people in the company using Microsoft 365 for Business, you may want to consider the Communication capabilities offered through SharePoint. Similar to a blog, you can create, schedule for posting and post company news, announcements and articles on a Communication or Team site. You can have also post company business results, metrics, organizational charts, news from the external feeds.

Reason number 6: Customisable

Last, but not least, SharePoint is Customisable and most of this can be done without any programming training. You can discover an infinity of uses for SharePoint, especially if you use it in tandem with other products from the Microsoft 365 for Bussiness packages.

If you want to explore more,  join one of the courses on this topic or contact us.

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